Wednesday, May 7, 2008

April Update

Sorry I've been bad about updating this but this has been a busy time for me, not to mention hard time.

We finished up soccer in April. I was sad to miss the last game but I had 4 customers at Celebrate Phoenix that I need to be there for.

The week after the last game we had a end of year soccer party at our home. Over 40 people. (10 girls on the team plus family & siblins) It was fun though. Our team mom took her photos and my photos plus some video and put it on a cd to music. It was AWESOME!!

Along with all this going on our HOA (Home Owners Association) Board asked if I would head up our Spring Shin-dig again. So I was in charge of putting it all together. It is fun to do!! I really enjoy doing it but it does take some time and with a BUSY 3 yr old.. It's double the work. We had the party in the park this past weekend, May 3rd. It was a beautiful night and all enjoyed.

Piper and Kory dancing with the neighborhood
Piper shooting everyone at watertag

April was a BUSY month for birthday's too.. From April 2nd to the 9th I had someone with a birthday each day.. A total of 20 birthday's of friends and family for the month of April.. :oO

I also have been very active in the church. Every Thursday Kory and I go to MOPS. (Mothers of Preschoolers) This past Thurs. I severed in the child ministery. Part of MOPS is that we all must serve once the calendar year. I was in a room of 18 children from 13 months to 23 months. I never had an empty hand or lap for 2 hours. It is SOO great to see the love another's child shows you.

Many of you know I'm very active in scrapbooking as well. I make it a point to set up 2 scrapbook nights a month for my Creative Memories customers and myself to get caught up on our albums.. hahahah will we ever be caught up??? I have also been going to local scrapbook stores with my soccer moms and the church's once a month crop. The church has two campuses. The scrap nights are always held at the campus we are not part of, 12 miles further than our campus. So I asked about if they will ever have any at our campus. Carrie said yes and asked if I'd be willing to help her with it. Of course I said yes I'd LOVE to HELP!!!! A couple days later she emailed me to tell me there was a meeting and if I was interested that I should come to get more info. I of course so wanting a local group, I went. At the meeting the lady stated she was so excited to see new faces and wanted to introduce them all. She introduced me as "Leader to the Gilbert Scrappin Sisters" :oO At first I was excited and taken back by heading up this but now I've accepted it and realized that God has a bigger plan for me than I know.

April 30th Doug's Dad and his wife Vicki came out to stay with us till May 5th.
What a BLESSING it was to have them with us!! They spent so much time with Kory that he was crying when they left. It was a break that I needed too..

Along with all this I have been struggling with MANY things from my past. My X's son called in April didn't help matter's. I can only hope it's for the right reasons, getting reconnected with his siblings but one never knows. I haven't shared these "troubles" with many but my dear closest friends. I'm so very grateful to my wonderful husband that has been VERY supportive and helping me through these times. I also want you to be aware that I am in contact with medical help to get through this. Just a couple sessions and we've seen a BIG improvement. God is there to guide us as well and all will turn out wonderful.

Prayers to my friends that are dealing with so very much more.. Tonia, Amy, & Stacy our prayers are with you!

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