Thursday, May 29, 2008
OH my goodnes....
Monday, May 12, 2008
WOW what a Mother's Day
My 16 r. old did make a BEAUTIFUL card for me and french toast for breakfast.
Doug went out and got me gifts from the kids.
But I was sad that they are sick!!
Tonya offered to stay home with the kids because they were to sick. So Doug & I went to church leaving the kids in Tonya's hands. Upon arriving to church Doug stated that he wasnt feeling good. :o( We got home from church and ALL (but Tonya) took a nap. I woke at 3PM. It was a much needed rest.. They were veggie's on the couch all day. Nice part about the day is it was very quiet.. No fighting, arguing or bickering. Hope you all had a wonderful mother's day! I know mine will be one not to forget..
Today Kory woke up a pistol wanting to eat. I was afraid for him to eat.. But feed him and then he asked for MORE!! and MORE!! He's been pestering his sister. Piper stayed home from school. She's been lying around on the couch all morning but looks like she is feeling better now. She's up and about playing with Kory and all that they have eaten is staying down.. Yippie!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
April Update


April was a BUSY month for birthday's too.. From April 2nd to the 9th I had someone with a birthday each day.. A total of 20 birthday's of friends and family for the month of April.. :oO
April 30th Doug's Dad and his wife Vicki came out to stay with us till May 5th.
What a BLESSING it was to have them with us!! They spent so much time with Kory that he was crying when they left. It was a break that I needed too..
Along with all this I have been struggling with MANY things from my past. My X's son called in April didn't help matter's. I can only hope it's for the right reasons, getting reconnected with his siblings but one never knows. I haven't shared these "troubles" with many but my dear closest friends. I'm so very grateful to my wonderful husband that has been VERY supportive and helping me through these times. I also want you to be aware that I am in contact with medical help to get through this. Just a couple sessions and we've seen a BIG improvement. God is there to guide us as well and all will turn out wonderful.
Prayers to my friends that are dealing with so very much more.. Tonia, Amy, & Stacy our prayers are with you!